Like my friends and I need an excuse to have a party. Or eat. Or for me to cook something. We were all feeling a little sentimental about the Royal Wedding. I remembered getting up to watch Diana's wedding to Charles. It was the summer before third grade. I was spending the night at my Aunt's house and she woke me up in the middle of the night to watch the Royal Wedding. I thought that was a bloody good time, even for a third grader. Sadly I got up in the middle of the night in 1997 and watched as the world bid good-bye to Princess Diana as well. Since we go way back, I felt like I owed it to Diana and Charles to stay up all night and watch the future King of England wed the Future Queen. And well, it's an excuse to wear my cutest pajamas with the sock monkeys on them, along with a tiara. And drink Mimosas. Probably the closest I'll get to being a princess is that 4 a.m. cupcake I polish off just as Kate exits her carriage. But a girl can dream, and that's why we decided to go all out!
What's a party without goody bags?
Bloody good goody bags!
I decorated them with some
scrapbook supplies and clip art. |
A replica of the Royal Wedding Ring.
Complete with a
"Certificate of Authenticity."
And it only costs:
Nineteen Dollars, Ninety... |
Some baubles and beads.
A tiara of course! And a glow stick,
after all it will be the middle of the night... |
You can't watch a Royal Wedding
without Scones. |
I even made little Union Jack
flags to decorate the cupcakes. |
Some of the cupcakes got fancy
little rings and some got sprinkles. |
All of them are sure to get eaten! |
Speaking of the Royal Wedding, and the groom's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth...What do you think she carries in her purse? The answer to this question has eluded us for ages, and has been a great source of debate amongst my friends. (I know, we all need to get serious lives...) I mean she is The Queen. It's not like she needs a form of i.d. Or money. She rides in a carriage, so that eliminates the whole driver's license thing. Lip gloss? Maybe. Tissues? Certainly. She's very prim and proper. Tums? She IS kind of old. What do you think? Tums? Maybe we'll get lucky and that purse will fall open and I'll finally get the answer. Not bloody likely though.
Whether you're having your own watch party, setting the DVR for later in the day, or completely ignoring the Royal Hoopla all together, I hope you have a smashing day anyway.
Pip Pip Cheerio!
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