Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DON'T Feed Your Face, Feed Our Troops!

My 10 year-old niece is selling Girl Scout Cookies.  Just like every other 10 year-old girl in the U.S. right now!  Like her Aunt Candi, Emily is a marketing genius, and she's decided to focus on selling:

COOKIES FOR TROOPS!  Isn't that a great idea???  Our troops get cookies, Emily earns a week at Camp Cookie Land and our waistlines don't suffer from too many Thin Mints.  Everybody wins!
Also known as:
The Devilish Dish Assistant

How do you send Girl Scout Cookies to Troops?  It's simple.  Just decide how many you would like to send and Emily will pack them up and ship them for you.  This is a cause near and dear to Emily's heart.  Her Uncle Matthew is stationed in Afghanistan.  And he LOVES cookies!
Uncle Matthew

The cookies are $3.50 per box or $35.00 for a case.  Simply write your check to:

Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma

Shoot me an email at
thedevilishdish@gmail.com and I will put you in touch with Emily.  Of course if you'd like some Thin Mints and Samoas for yourself, I think she can arrange that too.
Thank you for your support of this sweet girl, her cause and our troops!


  1. COUNT ME IN!! I already ordered like 6 boxes from Josie's friend, so much for MY waistline.... but I would love to donate through Emily. She's such a doll anyway!! <3

  2. "Murri and I have agreed upon the fact that we are going to tell the waiter it's Michaela's birthday."
