Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother's Day Candy Gram In A Jar

Mother's Day is here again.  Time to honor all of the special ladies in my life.  Not only to I like to have a little something for my Mom and my Mother-In-Law, but I also like to make sure some of my special aunts know how special they are!  Sometimes it's hard to come up with an idea that will work for all of them.  A couple like to cook.  A couple don't.  So fun kitchen gadgets are out.  A couple really like jewelry and a couple don't.  So bling is out.  But universally all women like one thing, and that is CHOCOLATE.  I ran my little Candy Gram idea by my friend Ginger and I commented, "I just need to figure out what kind of container or gift bag to put the candy in."  And she suggested, "How about mason jars?" and the idea was born.  Feel free to use my little poem as is, or modify it to the types of candy you pick out.  Don't have a jar?  Throw those candy bars in a cute little sack.  Or use a ziploc bag.  Mom won't care.  What's the one thing they taught us?  "It's the thought that counts."  Just be sure and think of your Mom, Aunt, Grandmother or other special lady in your life!

What MOM doesn't love CHOCOLATE???
The supplies:
jar or other container
printable sticker paper
(Or print on card stock and tie onto your jar)
Place candy in jar.  I opted to use full-size candy bars,
and I used wide-mouth quart-size canning jars and
my jars were PACKED.  I mean tight fit.  I had to stick

the EXTRA gum and LIFESAVERS on the lid
using glue dots.  If you're planning on using a jar and
want your life to be easier, you might want to go with
fun-sized candy bars instead of the full-size.
Live and learn...
I told you it was a tight squeeze. 
I had to place the candy bars in just right
to pack them in without squishing.
Again, you might want to select a different
container OR choose smaller candy bars.
Here's the poor Reese's PIECES
crammed on top.
I ran out of room, but I didn't want to shorten
my poem and leave off the EXTRA or LIFESAVER

part, so I stuck them on top using glue dots
You could also use double-sided tape.
Add a ribbon around the lid of the jar.
I typed up my poem in a text box using
Microsoft Word and printed it out onto
adhesive paper.  That way I just stuck the
"labels" onto the jars
If you want to omit this step, or don't have
adhesive paper, you can also print your poem
onto paper or cardstock and tie it onto
the jar with ribbon.

Here they are all ready to hand out for Mother's Day!!!

In case you can't read the Candy Gram clearly in the picture, it says:


It's your day so TAKE 5.  Please don't SNICKER at what we are about to say.  We love you more than the MILKY WAY.  You bring so much ALMOND JOY to our lives and show us MOUNDS of kindness.  You are worth more than a 100GRAND, and we can always count on you to be a LIFESAVER.  Thanks for always being there in a CRUNCH, and going the EXTRA mile.  Be TWIX you and me, we couldn't have done it without you.

Love you to PIECES,

NOTE:  Lifesavers in a roll were REALLY hard to find around here.  I found them individually wrapped in packages at the CVS Drugstore but I really wanted the old-fashioned rolls of Lifesavers.  My friend Ginger told me that Atwood's had them in their section of "old-fashioned" candy.  If you have trouble finding them you might try Atwood's or possibly the gift shop area at your local Cracker Barrel Restaurant.  Who knew Lifesavers were so scarce???

Hope you enjoy this little project and have a fabulous Mother's Day.  Whether you are a mom, aunt, sister or friend, and even if your babies have four legs instead of two:  just remember, YOU are a special lady to someone!!!

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