Thursday, June 28, 2018

{CopyCat} Wendy's Frosty

I haven't had a Frosty in a million years.  Seriously the last time I had one was probably when I was a kid.  I don't know why I've waited so long.  When I saw how simple they were to prepare at home I knew I had to try them.  Super simple, just a few ingredients and you've got a tasty little dessert or snack.  It's been the ideal after dinner treat lately because you know: Summer in Oklahoma [insert eye-roll]  Mr. Devilish Dish said it tastes just like the real thing.  I can't remember what the real thing tastes like, but I can guarantee you these taste great!
Just like the real thing!
Thick, rich, chocolatey
and only 3 ingredients!

{CopyCat} Wendy's Frosty

1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 gallon chocolate milk
1 (8 ounce) tub Cool Whip

Combine the condensed milk and chocolate milk in a large bowl.  Fold in the Cool Whip.  Place the mixture into a ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions.  Serve with a straw and enjoy!

*Note Not all of this would fit in my ice cream maker (You have to allow room for it to expand as it freezes.  I just refrigerated the leftover mix and made Frostys again a second night.)

Prep Time:  Approximately 5 minutes     Cook Time:  Needs to Freeze

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