Thursday, January 27, 2011

You Fancy Huh? Paillard of Chicken With Artichoke Cream Sauce Over Saffron Rice

Here's a dish to WOW your friends.  It's super easy and quick to make, but if you use the proper culinary terms, it will sound like you slaved over the hot stove for hours.  Paillard is a French culinary term that means quick cooking a thinly sliced or pounded piece of meat.  See how "Paillard" (prounouced pie-yard) sounds so much more high-tech than "Thin Chicken"?  The sauce is only 3 ingredients, and the saffron rice is actually from a mix.  But you don't have to tell that part.
The "Paillard" Party
Lightly pound chicken breasts between
two layers of plastic wrap.
Combine flour, curry, paprika and salt. 
Dredge chicken breasts in flour mixture.
Cook chicken in butter over medium heat.
About 5 minutes per side
Add wine to pan and "De-glaze"
Add chopped artichokes and cream,
stirring constantly until thick.
Serve chicken over rice,
topped with cream sauce.

Paillard of Chicken with Artichoke Cream Sauce over Saffron Rice
2 (5 ounce) packages or 1 (10 ounce) saffron rice mix
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
fresh cracked pepper to taste
 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
14 ounce can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1/2 cup white wine
1 cup heavy cream

Prepare rice mix according to package directions.  The rice takes 20 minutes to cook.  (I used 2-5 ounce packages, so I doubled the water and butter)  Meanwhile place chicken breasts between two layers of plastic wrap and flatten slightly using a meat mallet or rolling pin.  (Paillard!)  Combine the flour, curry powder, paprika and salt in a shallow dish.  Season the chicken breasts on both sides with pepper.  Dredge chicken breasts in flour mixture on both sides.  Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat.  Add chicken and cook 5 minutes on each side.  Remove chicken from skillet and set aside.  Add wine to hot pan, scraping up brown bits from chicken (De-glaze!), and then add artichokes and heavy cream.  Stir constantly until thickened, about 5 minutes.  Serve chicken over rice, spooning sauce over chicken. 

Prep Time:  Approximately 15 minutes     Cook Time:  Approximately 25 minutes

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