In my quest to find the fountain of youth (that I'm convinced someone has pinned on
Pinterest) I'll try just about any skin care product that's out there. Earlier this year I was sick. Like the deadly flu that went around Oklahoma sick. It really put me out of commission for about two weeks. I felt pretty puny and looked even worse. Even after I felt better, my skin and hair still looked dull and lifeless. I just needed a really good mud mask to shine things up. Estee Lauder used to make one that I loved. And then they stopped making it and I'm ashamed to admit there are about 7,457 assorted tubes of mud masks in my bathroom cabinet. All of which have had one use. Then I did some reading and heard all about how this
Indian clay is the next big thing in beauty. (Actually if you've ever used any of the
GlamGlow products it's very similar. I love these but I don't love the price tag as much.) I'm a big believer in
apple cider vinegar for lots of things and I always keep that on hand. I found a HUGE container of this
Bentonite clay at Sprouts and mixed up the mask. Let's just say it's a true MUD MASK. It is brown like mud and gets hard like mud. Which is the kind of mud mask I like. It will also tingle and kind of make your face pulsate. Don't freak out, it's just a very deep pore cleaning mask. I mixed up a batch and tried the mask. 20 minutes later my face felt softer than it has ever felt. I really felt like I had some color back in my cheeks and just looked all around better. In addition to my face looking so dull after being sick, my hair was so limp. Which NEVER happens. I have the thickest hair on the planet. Sometimes I can't sleep because my ponytail is too thick on the pillow. I also mixed up a mud mask for my hair. It came out so thick I could barely get the brush through it. Mr. Devilish Dish totally noticed without me even telling him. It made a huge difference in my hair. I now do the mask about once a month and the hair treatment about once every three months. The clay lasts forever. I've even shared some with my friends. I like that the products are all natural and inexpensive too.
My new favorite miracle mud mask! |
A huge tub of dry clay. It lasts forever too. |
Mix well. |
Apply to your face and let harden for 20 minutes. And then look like a total dork to millions of strangers on the internet. |
Give it a try. |
Indian Clay Mud Mask
Combine equal parts clay and apple cider vinegar. (I usually do about 3 teaspoons of each.)
You need to make sure and DO NOT USE any metal spoons or bowls. It will react with the clay. I use my cute little plastic measuring spoons and just a disposable spoon to mix it up. Spread evenly over your face and let dry. Keep on 15-20 minutes then wash away with warm water. Enjoy how smooth, soft and vibrant your face is!
Indian Clay Hair Mask
Mix enough of the powdered clay in a plastic cup with water to coat your hair. (The mixture will be thicker than conditioner, but you want it where you can massage it through your hair.) Remember DO NOT USE any metal. I do the rest of this in the shower. Work the mud through your hair. Massage through your hair and let sit three minutes. (Remember 3-minute miracle? I leave everything in three minutes.) Rinse thoroughly. Now, you MUST rinse with apple cider vinegar. This is necessary to restore the PH balance to your hair because the clay is very stripping. I used about 1 cup but I have a lot of hair. Work the vinegar through your hair and then rinse thoroughly. After this step I go ahead and use my regular conditioner because I don't want my hair to smell like vinegar but that's just me. If you want to smell like dyeing Easter Eggs, be my guest.
NOTE: I am not a skin expert. I'm just a girl that will try anything and tell her friends about it. If you have skin issues then of course check with your doctor first. I'm just sharing information that works well in my case.
Make sure you use good quality unfiltered apple cider vinegar. I always buy the
Bragg Organic Raw Unfiltered kind. It has so many uses. If you'd like, take some time and read up on the internet or Pinterest about all of the great uses for both this clay and apple cider vinegar. In addition to deep pore cleansing the clay can also be used for foot soaks, acne etc. There are lots of good things to try these two products on. Good Luck!